Monday, August 10, 2009

Week 4, Day 1 Summary

Here's what I ate today:
Water: 4 glasses

Xtra large McD coffe, homemade blueberry muffin

Sandwich: 2 slices whwh bread, .7 tbsp mayo, prosciutto, slalami, lettuce tomato.'

Black bean & vegetable soup, 3 slices baguette.

Exercise: none

Not a great day, I was feeling down about the weight gain. It always makes me want to eat more when I gain weight. And not the good stuff. How stupid is that??? At least I capped it at 1,445 calories today *sigh*

I've decided I need to have 3 days a week where I eat super clean... low-fat, low-carb, high protein. I also need to get my butt in gear and do some kind of activity at least 3 times a week too. This is silly. I'm just being lazy.


  1. hey, don't give up. i've been experiencing the same see-saw action for months now. i need to lose at least 5 lbs (preferably 10) in 15 or so days. a very tight-fitting bridesmaid dress is on the line. i'll take water-weight loss!

    i weighed in at 161.4 yesterday..we're practically the same weight. let's challenge each other to at least "lose" something every week!! no more plateau or gaining!

    good luck.

  2. Thanks Mia!!! I accept your challenge ;) Good luck with the dress. You can do it!!
