Thursday, May 6, 2010

Week #1: Losing 1 lb at a time

The blog challenge Losing 1 lb at a time started May 1. My exercise level has been pretty low. I took a nice brisk 1 hr walk yesterday with my friend Jasmine (and her yummaliscious daughter Sophie, she's so cute!), but other than that, not much at all.

I've cut back on sweets quite a bit, and for that I'm pretty happy. We've also been doing a better job at meal planning, which helps us tenfold, we really need to keep doing this. When we meal plan, we eat healthier, we save money, and we don't waste food. It really is a great thing to do.

So with those small changes, I did manage to lose 2 lbs!!

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo - 2 lbs is awesome!
    Meal planning is really the way to go. I need to do better at planning my lunches to take to work!
